So, you want to buy a house cheap, and you look to the foreclosure market. Considering the over-abundance of these properties and just how little many of them are going for, it’s tempting to jump on the bandwagon and buy […]
Home Inspection Articles
A French drain is a common means of diverting water from one location on a property to another in order to divert excess rainwater or to dry up soil that is excessively waterlogged,such as land that is located near wetlands. […]
“A TV can be a child’s best friend, but it also can be a parent’s worst enemy,” says the mother of a 3-year-old who was crushed by a television, according to a 2009 Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) study. The […]
Galvanic corrosion (also known as bimetallic corrosion or dissimilar-metal corrosion) is an electrochemical disintegration that occurs when dissimilar metals come in contact with each other while immersed in an electrolyte. Galvanic corrosion is of major concern anywhere moisture can reach […]
Admixtures are ingredients other than water, aggregate and Portland cement that are added to a concrete mixture immediately prior to or during mixing. These ingredients can be used to modify the properties of concrete by affecting its workability and set […]
According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Portland Cement Association (PCA), concrete homes account for approximately one-sixth of all new-home construction, and in areas such as Florida and Louisiana, they are particularly favored because of their greater […]
Condensation is the accumulation of liquid water on relatively cold surfaces. Almost all air contains water vapor, the gas phase of water composed of tiny water droplets. The molecules in warm air are far apart from one another and allow […]
In any heavily populated area, there is enough activity going on at once during the day to generate all kinds of sounds across the audible spectrum of human hearing. Planes take off and land, traffic moves along roadways, construction crews […]
Crawlspaces are host to a large number of conditions that may harm the house or inspectors. Never enter a crawlspace without proper personal protective equipment. Crawlspaces are notorious for the nasty discoveries made there by inspectors, and it isn’t hard […]
While the considerable advantages offered by solar energy move some proponents to ignore the budding technology’s comparatively minor flaws, these imperfections must be acknowledged, lest their resolutions be stalled. We should take an honest look at the system’s disadvantages and […]
Dust mites are microscopic arachnids that thrive indoors in warm, moist places, such as the insides of pillows and mattresses. They feed on dead skin that is regularly shed by humans and their pets. The harm posed to building occupants by dust […]
Can the electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) to which people are routinely exposed cause health effects? What are sources of EMFs, and when are they dangerous? An “electromagnetic field” is a broad term which includes electric fields generated by charged particles […]